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Why I Love Butterflies

A friend of mine once asked me, “why do you like butterflies?” She was not the first person to ask me that.  Honestly, I am obsessed with butterflies, but did not realize it until a few years ago.


I have several pictures, clothes, bags, journals, and other items that have butterflies on them. However, I think my obsession was cemented when I got my first tattoo that included of course a butterfly.


At first, my thought was, butterflies are pretty and remind me of warm, sunny summer days.  That brings me a feeling of joy and peace.  But I then recalled a children’s book that I have read at least one-thousand times to my kids, The Very Hungry Caterpillar. And I reflected on the transformation of a caterpillar to a butterfly.  


My life has been full of transformations.  But prior to each transformation, I generally take time to obtain and feed on information, as much information as possible.  I’m that very hungry caterpillar, but the transformation does not occur through information alone.  You have to take the time to let it digest and be still to better understand what to do, but also TAKING THE TIME TO DO THE WORK in a cocoon to evolve.


This evolutionary process may take days, months or even years.  Each cycle is different and can lead to the birth of a new you.  After the process of evolution is complete then restoration settles in.  When we are restored, we can fulfill our purposes in life.  


The process of evolution does not occur once, but we should be constantly and consistently striving to grow and transform our lives.  We must learn to spread our wings and fly in various aspects of our lives.  Being stagnant in any aspect of your life will, at some point, disrupt your peace.  


So, I should make this clear that we are butterflies, but unlike butterflies we need to transform various aspects of our lives continuously.  This is TRANSFORMATIONAL LIVING, the concept of Mariposa’s Place of Wellness.



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